I’ve been wanting to rewrite and relaunch my boss’s series for some time now, and I’ve finally started to do just that.
I’ve now outlined a new five part series and I’ll be releasing them weekly’ish (I’ll aim for weekly but no guarantees) starting with Boss’s Desk over this weekend. (It’s done, I just need for format and upload). Continue reading New Boss Books
I know, I know. I’ve been so busy with life and other distractions that my book biz is suffering. I haven’t put out a new book since late last year. Le Sigh …
But I haven’t given up! I will get back to fingers on keyboard soon. In the meantime, enjoy my current books.
I’ve been busy with real life and haven’t been able to devote as much time to writing as I usually do, but I figured it was about time to remedy that. I’ve put out two new short stories for your reading pleasure.
First is a fun halloween erotica story, Giving Pumpkinhead, and the second is a hot boss/secetary story, On The Boss’s Desk.
Something fun and something hot. Take your pick!
Both books are available in Kindle Unlimited (so you can borrow them for free) or you can purchase Giving Pumpkinhead for $0.99 or On The Boss’s Desk for $2.99 from Amazon.
I’m not one of those people that hate Mondays. I like Mondays. If anything I hate the weekends because that means everyone is at home. But Monday’s the house is quiet and I can concentrate again.
Last week I didn’t write anything. I’d had a huge fight with my boyfriend and was feeling weepy and emotional. Probably not the best mood to be in if you are trying to write funny smut. So I took the week off. We are talking again this week so it looks like I have no more excuses to procrastinate. Time to get back into this story!
Anyway, my plan is to have it finished either this week or early next. So far it’s one of the funniest stories I’ve ever written, so we’ll see how it plays out in the market. I know that not many people like too much plot or jokes with their erotica, but it’s what comes out of my head, so it’s what I have to write. Oh well.
I’m a little concerned about the title of this one. The cover is uber okay, no retailer is going to have a problem with it. But the title? I don’t know. Well, I guess it won’t hurt for you to have a sneak peak cover reveal.
Coming Soon
There. Funny right?
I think it’s hilarious (and yes I realise I might be the only one who things so). So we’ll see if the stores have a problem with it. And before you ask – yes there is sex in it. Quite a lot so far, although the story is kicking in now, so we’ll see if that continues (of course it’s going to, duh!).
Anyway, I’ll keep chugging along with it, and get it out to you as soon as I can.
Yesterday I got an amusing message when I tried to publish Alien Probe on the iBookstore. After being in review for a few days the book got bounced back because the cover was Inappropriate and included Prohibited Explicit or Objectionable Content.
And you know what? I agree with them.
The covers for AP are hot. If I had children browsing the erotica section (rolling eyes), then of course I wouldn’t want them staring at a ladies naked ass in eerie green light. I have no problem with their decision (the cover is also adult filtered on Amazon which is as it should be).
I have two choices now.
1. Change the cover to something less ‘inappropriate’ or 2. not publish on Apple.
I’ve decided on the latter. I like the cover. I think it’s funny and sexy – which fits the story perfectly. I don’t write really hardcore taboo stuff – all my stories are consensual, and even though they contain sex scenes, those scenes are light-hearted. It’s what I like to read, so it’s what I like to write. But I don’t mind if the cover is a teeny bit risqué. (You should see some of what I’ve got coming up – LOL).
I’m all for stores standing up for the rights about what they will and will not sell. But as an artist, I also have the right to choose what I want to write, and what art I place on the cover. So I’m keeping them. They make me laugh.
If you do read through the iBooks app, then you can buy them at Smashwords and choose the epub option which will open in your app.
Here’s to green lighted women’s asses and the writers who love them 😉