Sometime today, tonight, or tomorrow (I’ve never sure exactly when they go live), my latest story will appear at Amazon and then start trickling out to the various retailers. Keep an eye on the book page for retailer links.
Big Cock is an 11,000 word erotic comedy and probably the funniest thing I’ve ever written. It had me cracking up in laughter as I wrote it.
Of course there’s sex as well. It IS an EROTIC comedy after all, so if you like a laugh with your smut, Big Cock is for you.
So what’s it about?
Farmer Buck Little gets a large mysterious package delivered, a package that makes all the women and animals that come near it, go crazy. Women want to fuck Buck. Animals want (actually it’s not quite clear exactly what they want, but his prize rooster Big Red, does seem to be taken with it as well).
It’s full of innuendos, lots of sexy fun, and laugh-out-loud snorting.
Go ahead, stuff this Big Cock on your kindle. If you can handle it.